Friday, October 26, 2007

Brown County, Indiana

Every Fall we take a trip to Nashville, Indiana, with my brother and his family. We have only missed one year out of the last seventeen. Over the years, we have grown from 2 couples and 1 baby to 2 couples and 8 kids! It is fun to shop in all the great stores, but the best thing for me is getting to spend the day with some of my favorite people. Yeah~ that brother who use to drive me crazy and pick on me when we were kids is now a great friend.
I took along my camera and took pictures of some of our favorite places that are a most stop ever year.

The Holly Shop~usually our first stop

The Toy Chest and the Candy Emporium are a favorite with the kids.

The Candy Dish is a must stop for the adults to get our Fudge Fix.

Our favorite place to eat is Hob Nob Corner Restaurant. When I suggested to Tim that maybe we could try somewhere new this year, he looked at me like I had lost my mind:-)

This is what the guys do most of the day~wait on us to come out of the store(Tim is really not mad~just a bad picture) The guys really are great about being patient.
The little guys waiting
Chris getting a ride from his cousin Byron.
We had a great day. The only bad thing about the day was that I forgot my wallet at home with all the cash that I had gotten out of the bank the night before. Oh Well~ I didn't need to spent much anyway and it kept me from getting stuff I really did not need, because if I wanted to by something I had to have Tim come in and pay with his debit card. I really made me think about if I really needed or wanted something:-)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Here are some pictures from UBC Old Fashion Day. The different classes make floats and they have a parade. I think they do a great job with the floats. Click on the picture to see more.
UBC Old Fashion Day

Our Busy Weekend

We had a wonderful fun busy week end. Friday night we went to GBS Homecoming. We had a good time and saw a lot of friends. The past two weekends~UBC and GBS~ I heard from a lot of people that they read my blog. I was tempted to feel a little pressure that I need to keep my blog updated and interesting. But I have let that go~ I don't need any more stress and pressure in my life:-} I was glad to hear who was reading and to reconnect with some old freinds. If you are not comfortable leaving a comment I do have an email link on the top left cornor.~Hint Hint

Saturday was very busy getting ready for our Pastor Appreciation Day. Saturday night some friends called and they were having a bond fire and asked us to come over. I was a fun time and so relaxing to just sit and visit by the fire. I was bummed that I forgot the camera.

I woke up Sunday morning with a terrible sick headache. I had to go to church and take care of some things for the Sunday night service and to help decorate for our fellowship time Sunday night. I should have stayed home(I'll just leave it at that.) I missed lunch at my in-laws and went to bed. Thankfully I felt better by 3:00 and could finish up all I needed to get done.

Sunday night was a great time of honoring our Pastor. We love them and are so blessed to have them. (more about that in another post.)

the theme was Roses. We had about 10 people speak about the Stetlers and them put a rose in a vase. We had several special songs and took up a love offering. We had all of the Sunday school write something to the Stetlers and put it in a scrapbook with the child's picture. They will also be receiving a gift from someone in the church every week for the next year.

I don't want it to sound like this was all pull off my me myself and I. I had a great committe that help and did a great job making my load easier. Thanks ladies.

I did not take very many pictures but here are a few.

Boys Chior
Decorated with roses
Marianne did a great job on the cake.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Kentucky Wool Festival

Last Friday we took a field trip to the Kentucky Wool Festival. They have Sheep shearing (which we missed ), sorghum making, a blacksmith, bluegrass, crafts, and lots of yummy food. Click on the picture below to see more pictures. I put captions under the pictures to explain more about our day.
ky wool festival

We were in revival last week with the Scotts. Had the field trip on Friday, and we went to UBC (where I went to school) Saturday. I have some good pictures from that but am to tired to down load them tonight. This week is another busy one for me. I have a lot to do for the weekend (can't say what-you never know who is reading). I have had a cold this week and am ready for bed by about 9pm every night. I usually don't go to bed until after 11pm. I have now spent a paragraph explaining why this is a short post and why I will have to update you all later:-)

Have a great weekend. I will try to fill you in on Monday.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I lost my mother to breast cancer so this is something that is close to my heart. I found a link to They have a program that all you have to do is "Click to Give" and their sponsors will donate a free mammogram to some one in need. I have a link in the left column that will take you to their sight. You can click on it every day.
Below are some facts about breast cancer and more explanation on the "Click to Give" program, that I copied from their site.

Early Detection: Do You Know The Facts?

Each year, 182,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer and 43,300 die. One woman in eight either has or will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. In addition, 1,600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 400 will die this year.

If detected early, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer exceeds 95%. Mammograms are among the best early detection methods, yet 13 million U.S. women 40 years of age or older have never had a mammogram.

The National Cancer Institute and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend that women in their forties and older have mammograms every one to two years. A complete early detection plan also includes regular clinical breast examinations by a trained medical professional. Monthly breast self-exams are suggested in addition.
Click here and here for more information about breast cancer and the issues surrounding it.

How You Can Help In Mere Seconds — Every Day

The Breast Cancer Site provides a feel-good way to help promote awareness of breast cancer and provide free mammograms for women in need every day — through easy and quick online activities.
With a simple, daily click of the pink "Click Here to Give - it's FREE" button at The Breast Cancer Site, visitors help to provide free mammograms for women in need. Visitors pay nothing. Mammograms are provided by our charitable partners.

Please remember to click every day to fund free mammograms and give hope to women in need. Every click counts in the battle to prevent breast cancer.

So ladies it cost us nothing. Lets Click everyday to raise money for this worthy cause.