It all started last Sunday morning at 6:30. Walter came to our door and said that his stomach was hurting. He had a fever so I gave him some medicine and he went back to sleep. He got up a 8:00 and acted much better. That did not last long. He became a very sick boy. He slept most of the day. By 6:30 Monday morning, we decided to take him to the emergency room. It turns out that he was infected with
Shigella. We have no idea where he got it from. There are usually only 25 reported cases in our area a year.I will spare you all the nasty details, you can go to the link if you are interested. They had to send a culture off to be tested. He could not start his antibiotic until they had the test results. Since this is a highly contagious, he has to be on the antibiotic for five days and have a clear test before he is considered clear. He got his medicine Tuesday night, and Thursday we found out that it was the wrong one. The Insurance did not want to pay for the new one. After we went around with them and the doctor on Friday, we decided to go ahead and pay the $116.00 for the prescription so he could get started on his five days. If the insurance decides to pay, the drug store will give us a refund.
Added to this was my fear that the rest of my family would also become infected. I went to the store and stocked up on groceries, cleaned house, did up the laundry, and prayed that Tim and I would not both get sick at the same time. I also became a fanatic about the kids washing their hands. We bought hand sanitizer, and we use it before we do just about anything. I have also been going through a lot of Lysol. I was so afraid that if the rest of us got it one at a time, I would be stuck in this house for a month!! So far, Tim is the only one who has gotten sick. He does not have all of the symptoms so his doctor does not think he has the same thing.
Another stress factor was that this week was VBS. It was really hard for me to see him not being able to go. I think he handled it better then I did. We had the Bakers this year, so Walter was able to watch Hope Sound Bible Church's VBS on archives. It was the same as ours. He learned the Bible verses and got prizes.
Looking back on this week it does not seem as bad as it did while going through it. There were times this week when I wanted to sit down and post about what was happening, but I was afraid that it would start me to crying. This is so not like me. I usually handle things better then that. I was able to go to VBS a couple of nights with the other kids. One of the songs that they sang, talked about Jesus walking on the water of life's troubled sea.
Though the winds about me blow and the waves around me roll, in the shallow of his hand I am safely in His plan. It's a comfort just to know I am under his control in the midst of it all".
Keep us in your prayers that the rest of us stay well!!