I took along my camera and took pictures of some of our favorite places that are a most stop ever year.
The Holly Shop~usually our first stop
The Toy Chest and the Candy Emporium are a favorite with the kids.
The Candy Dish is a must stop for the adults to get our Fudge Fix.
Our favorite place to eat is Hob Nob Corner Restaurant. When I suggested to Tim that maybe we could try somewhere new this year, he looked at me like I had lost my mind:-)
Chris getting a ride from his cousin Byron.
We had a great day. The only bad thing about the day was that I forgot my wallet at home with all the cash that I had gotten out of the bank the night before. Oh Well~ I didn't need to spent much anyway and it kept me from getting stuff I really did not need, because if I wanted to by something I had to have Tim come in and pay with his debit card. I really made me think about if I really needed or wanted something:-)